

Tuesday 9 June 2015

Tasmanian Alpine and Sub-Alpine Plants

Tasmania has a beautiful, unique, and rich alpine flora, with over 60% of all species being found in the state, and not anywhere else on Earth.

 Pandani (Richea Pandanifolia)


The Pandami is only found in Tasmania, it is also the largest heath plant in the world. It grows both in rainforest and in sub-alpine environments.

Pandami Tasmania
Pandani at Hartz Mountains National Park


Tasmanian Snow Gum (Eucalyptus coccifera)


Tasmanian Snow Gum range from the southern mountains to around Great Lake. It can be found in Hartz Mountains, Mt Field, and on Mt Wellington.

Hartz Mountains Tasmania
Tasmanian Snow Gum at Hartz Mountains National Park


Pineapple Grass (Astelia alpina)


 Alpine grasslands in Tasmania are rare, this species is often found in moorlands, and i never seen a Pineapple Grass grassland. The genus also has tropical species.

Alpine Grass
Pineapple Grass at Hartz Mountains National Park


Alpine Coral-fern (Gleichenia alpina)

The Alpine Coral-fern is found at Hartz Mountains National Park



Some other species:

Tasmanian Yellow Gum

Pencil Pine

King Billy Pine


Alpine Coral-fern (Gleichenia alpina)

Spreeading Rope Rush (Empodisma minus)

Carpha alpina

Sprengelia incarata



I will likely update this post over time.

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